Marketing: Digital Advertising Campaign


Sunday Riley partnered with file transfer website, WeTransfer, for a 24-hour takeover of their homepage with a custom animated wallpaper

The immersive takeover focused on the brand’s #1 product, Good Genes, and drove to the brand’s preferred retailer, Sephora, in anticipation of Valentine’s Day sales. 

Sunday Riley chose to partner with WeTransfer for this campaign for four key reasons: 

  • The fullscreen format gave Sunday Riley the real estate to playfully introduce Good Genes to the beauty conscious, trend-forward WeTransfer audience.

  • The brand-safe environment allowed Sunday Riley to communicate exclusively with an informed, educated audience — without clutter. 

  • The unmissable takeover placement packed a punch by guaranteeing visibility with 100% SOV, driving awareness and engagement before Valentine’s Day. 

  • WeTransfer’s creative capabilities gave Sunday Riley the freedom to run a custom animated unit to capture user attention and drive longterm ad recall. 

The digital campaign garnered 5.3MM impressions, 18.2K total clicks-to-site and a CTR 36% above benchmark.

The week of the takeover, sales for Good Genes 30mL and 50mL increased by 107% and 29% respectively.

24hr WeTransfer Homepage Takeover

Services Provided

  • Advertising

  • Branding & Messaging

  • Concept Development

  • Pay-per-Click

  • Web Design & Layout


Digital Advertising: SR x Bustle


Digital Advertising: SR x Hulu